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Barbeque Grill In A Box July 19, 2009

Posted by bebenibadoodles in Family Life.

Imagine one ordinary Saturday and a portable barbeque kiosk you can take anywhere hassle free without having to lose all your poise over the fire!

I have been requested for a barbeque weekend yesterday. After having roasted the other week’s “tusok – tusok na karne” on a pot of charcoal and ending up with a ruined pot that we can no longer use, I decided to scour the mall for something.

Initially, i was just looking for something that can be placed on top of the stove or better yet on top of a pot of burning charcoal. But as luck would come my way, i found this very adorable piece of technology:

Image003(2) Yes folks, portable barbeque grill in a box. I got a portable grill complete with its own charcoal that is ready to cook in just 10 minutes and you don’t have to exert effort to keep the flame. Plus, i got that for only Php 50. The original price would have been Php 149, but i got it on sale.

Sad that it is disposable, but it is by far the most convenient way to cook rosted food on a stick for people like me who have a small backyard.

Image006(2) It is rather sad that Baebidoodles has sprouted just 1/8 of her first tooth and still months or maybe years away from really appreciating Mommy’s home cooked meals, but I am taking the time to polish my craft at being a home maker and a mother.

Who knows, with practice, maybe by the time she starts eating real food, I may already be able to create an amazing array of adult food disguised as baby food.

I am far from being the well rounded person that I should be as a Wife and a Mother, but i am getting there!

Nature’s Make Over June 23, 2009

Posted by bebenibadoodles in Mommy Diaries.
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We are halfway through 2009. Life has been pretty much a hiatus of emotions over the first six months of this year. According to the book I have been scouring through this morning, a major turnaround happens with new moms from six months onward.

Apparently, the feed me-care for me-look at me-cuddle me dependence of new borns gradually gives way to the little tots desire for locomotion and more independence to move about.

Time has been flying right before my eyes lately. It seems that Baebidoodles is growing faster than I am able to accept the fact that she is developing into her own person with unique traits and attitudes. I would love our little girl to be little forever and to enjoy our mushy hugs in the evening and the innocent smiles to my whispered reminders before she goes to bed.

8 Months Pregnant

8 Months Pregnant

Six months ago, I was 160 Lbs and 8 months preggers. I have always been very conscious of the way I look and have been obssessive with the way my tummy looks.

At age 14, I was sweating my heart out exercising in secret just to be sure that no flab finds its way around my belly.

Last year, as I watched my belly extend beyond the limits of my imagination to accommodate a growing fetus that would kick only when Badoodles is around, I somehow forgot to be overly conscious about my expanding belly.

Although some occassional bastards sent me paranoid when they say that I have grown too fat, I seemed to enjoy watching it grow. For me, it was an assurance of a healthy baby that would soon turn my world upside down.

Then the D Day came on January 8. I went to the hospital armed with all the necessary things I could get to ensure that my belly returns to normal. I am not about to give up my life long achievement to the baby fats that will remain after pregnancy. I wore my belly binders for 4 months and would often tell Mama to tighten it when she helps me wear it. The tighter, the better – that was my principle – which should not be followed by New Moms and the Experienced ones alike!

Image023Five months post pregnancy, i am still conditioning my body to return to my exercise routines, but I am still quite lazy to do it. I am not also allowed to diet while I am breastfeeding, but I am so thankful that my body has its own way of popping out the excess weight.

Our little girl is now moving about, kicking here and there, oftentimes her tiny hands would fly to my face and – man, it hurts! But it is the best part of being alive!

I enjoyed the entire nine months of my pregnancy. It was a bliss. It seems like all those months and the weight came and went, but with the passing of time, I am no longer watching my belly (as much as I did before).

My eyes are now on that little girl who is finding her way through life and is pretty much amused by what her hands and feet can do.

I love being a Mom. I love being Baebidoodles – human punching bag, blanket, feeding bottle, toy and everything that she wants me to be.

Best of all, I enjoy giving into her ‘childish kalokohan’ because she is just so cute when she starts being naughty.

I understand that the time for discipline does not start when she is old enough to tie her own shoe laces, but I have my way of instilling in her five month old mind the value of being a disciplined little person without making it too harsh and stripping her of the fun of being a child.

As much as possible, I would like her to grow up with many childhood memories of play and fun with her parents.

It would be my greatest pride and joy to send her out into the world with vast experiences that are filled with happy thoughts and the assurance that her family will be her shield, shelter and protection!

Working From Home – More People Are Taking the Risk June 5, 2009

Posted by bebenibadoodles in Mental Detour.
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By NormaJean Tucker

Given the unstable economy right now, a lot more people are
taking the risk and working from home. This is a dream that
people have now and again. They just never did anything about it
in the past because they had a stable job and they were not
willing to give up for an opportunity that may or may not pay
off. Nowadays, people’s jobs are not so stable anymore. This is
why so many people feel it is the right thing to do by taking
that risk. There are so many different opportunities available
online that virtually anyone can find a niche from home.